We have something for all ages at The Journey
Little Kidz
We don’t have a facilitated creche for young children and babies however if you want to leave at anytime during the service please feel free to use our soft play area Happy Days, which will be open and the service streamed live on the TV screens!
For more info contact: hello@jointhejourney.co.uk or chat to one of the welcome team on your visit!
[Preschool - P7] Your child is important to God and is important to us. Our goal is to make each Sunday the best time of your child’s week! Our committed Jkids Leaders love to share God’s word in a fun and exciting way. Our programme consists of a planned series of bible stories each term using many multi-media resources. We use vibrant worship music that is suitable for children of all ages. Many of these songs have wonderful actions and our children love to sing, dance and praise God during Jkids worship time.
First Time Guests
Registration is open in the foyer as soon as you arrive on Sunday morning where you will be asked for any relevant info for our leaders. Look for Leaders wearing the Jkids lanyards. There will be an announcement for Jkids to leave the main service. You can bring your child to the Jkids room then you can collect your child from the Jkids room when church has ended.
[Y8-Y14] We want to see our young people grow deeper in their faith. Illuminate is a relaxed environment where conversation is open, relationships are built on & faith is explored with relevant topics our young people face in their day to day lives. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of every month at 6pm, with regular outings throughout the year.