Everyone is Welcome.
Sunday Morning @ 11am
We meet every Sunday from 11am - 12:45pm. You can expect a warm welcome, bible centred teaching, passionate worship & casual dress.
The church is open from 10:30am for you to find your seat & have a time of fellowship. Along with registration for our kids ministries. Following the service we have a time of fellowship together with tea & coffee.
Jkids: Nursery age - P7
All kids welcome to join in with our JKids. Who will leave the service following communion before the sermon starts. The host will announce when it is time to leave.
Please note: We don’t have a creche that is facilitied by church members but any young kids not in JKids can use our Happy Days soft play area, where the service is streamed into via the TV screens. Please feel free to use this area and ask the welcome team for any assistance.
Youth Bible Class: Years 8-12 meet together upstairs in the youth room during the service after worship & communion have finished up for a time of study together. If you are visiting you are so welcome to join us!